Artist, Writer, Game Director

Man with a beard holding a yellow mechanical claw, looking at it with curiosity, against a background of blue sky and a building with artwork.

Here are some things about me:

Weta Workshop

Known for their Oscar Award winning work on Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings films, I’ve been working there since 2002 and it might be the best place on earth.

District 9

Neill Blomkamp’s debut film is still one of my favorite films ever, as well as being a highlight of my creative life. I was Lead Concept Designer and got to design and art direct bizarre weapons, robots and draw lots and lots of entrails.

Dr. Grordbort’s

I created, wrote and have probably illustrated 4 million pictures (mainly of rayguns) for this satirical retro-sci-fi world - all with the love, support and patronage of Richard Taylor and Tania Rodger - founders of Wētā Workshop.

King Kong

One of my first jobs at Wētā Workshop was helping to design Peter Jackson’s incredible Primate vs Dinosaur vs Gravity film. I really like drawing dinosaurs so if you imagined that I enjoyed working on this film very much, then you have imagined correctly.

One Path

My most recent obsession is One Path - it’s a world of cavegirls, dinosaurs and blood. I’m currently in the thick of illustrating an epic series of books. I’ve written the story for 4 books with Andy Lanning and Nick Boshier and the first book is out soon (the others will follow yearly). Hard to explain this one as I’m so deep in it right now, and it’s far more primal and personal than some other art I’ve made - but I am so in love with it that it consumes me completely.

Dr. Grordbort’s Invaders

I went on an 8 year side-quest and fulfilled a childhood dream to make my own videogames - but not just any videogames - We (Wētā Workshop) went hardmode from the get go. We teamed up with Magic Leap to build our own game studio from scratch, especially to make a radically new type of game for their pioneering spatial computing platform - a device that lets you interact with digital worlds that coexist with our own. It’s hard to explain but trust me, it’s neat - and way ahead of its time.

Dr. G rayguns, books and exhibitions

Not to blather on too much more about Dr. G, but this world is the creative gift that keeps on giving, and we have made dozens of collectible rayguns (made out of actual metal and glass), released 4 books ( “Dr. Grordbort’s Contrapulatonic Dingus Directory” (2008), “VICTORY - Scientific Adventure Violence for Young Men and Literate Women” (2009), “TRIUMPH - Unnecessarily Violent Tales of Science Adventure for the Simple and Unfortunate” (2012) and “ONSLAUGHT” (2014) - there is no better feeling than creating your own books btw - it’s the best), and from the previously mentioned 4 million illustrations as well as hundreds of sculptures and handcrafted-models, we created a world-touring exhibition. And it keeps growing with the added artistry of friends met along the way, via role playing games, VR games, board games and more.

Public Sculpture

I also helped to design and build some public sculptures, so if you happen to be strolling the streets of Wellington, NZ, you might see the Tripod - a giant three-legged film robot, and in Hamilton, NZ you might bump into Riff Raff from The Rocky Horror Picture Show.


I also love to make a racket - so have a google for End Boss and Ghidoragh (Ghidrah) if you like noisy noises.

Explore the archives at the blog: